The Plague of Victimhood

15 December 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


There have been several M5 segments on the topic of victimhood/victimizing. As stated before, victimhood is a major tactic of sequentialization. The aliens are artists in using victimhood to dismantle simultaneously-designated Earth into just another sequentialized world of the Orion Empire.

The sequentials primarily fear those of European heritage. They also view body ID from their standpoint of reincarnation, which is obviously flawed when dealing with simultaneous pathers. From their perspective, you reincarnate in the same race as your previous one: reptilians into reptilians, etc. So they erroneously push those of non-European heritages to blame those who are currently in a European heritage body for experiences caused by the (Western) Europeans in colonial periods. The thing is, those in European heritage body ID’s today were mostly not in European heritage bodies (decision makers) back then. Sequential pathers just can’t get it.

I remember talking to a certain Native American somebody about incarnations from one heritage to another and how he could not grasp that someone incarnated in a certain tribe could ever incarnate in any other type of body. Hmmmm.

However, sequentials are not spiritually Advanced enough to grasp their perception flaw. To tear down European-heritage prominence, they use Lightside techniques (all are equal, victim/victimhood, etc) to disrupt and dismantle simultaneous Earth.

Lightsiders are extremely pliable with fancy, noble-sounding phrases (Earth friendly, child safe, green, love & light, fat free, etc – I’m sure you can think of many). We all have incarnations as Lightsiders. It is part of the simultaneous path experience as well. Lightside can be extremely masochistic, disruptive and ruinous to our path because of their basic sequentialized nature. Equality is a sequential concept as people (except for rulers) on Lightside alien worlds have the progression-limiting concept of equality: progress as a planet and not as an individual.

Darksiders enjoy using Lightsider terms to get their way and consolidate power. This has been discussed in previous segments.

Victimhood has progressed so rapidly among Earthers that you can hardly go anywhere or watch talk/news programs where victimhood (of one sort or another) isn’t reinforced…and it IS being reinforced daily to coerce those, who have not yet adapted to sequentialization, to obey.

For one, if you are so body ID’d that your race, ethnic-self incarnation or gender still controls you to a high degree, then M5 is not written for you. Prepare to be further zapped.

In American and Canadian entertainment, it is very common to hear non-European heritaged people slam those of European heritage. Example:  In the latest Amazing Race, the winners were two blond-haired people who were constantly referred to as Ken/Barbie with snide remarks about their race.

On the surface, that would be fine with me IF (and it’s a BIG if) they also referred to people of other heritage groups likewise. Call the African heritage guys Amos and Andy or females as Sapphire and Mama, or an Asian heritage as Charlie Chan and Madam Mao. Pick any heritage group (other than European) and assign them comic names and watch sequentialized eyes widen and the now overused, “I’m offended”. I will come back to that phrase!

Watching black comedians use every perceived racial slam at those with European heritage, but god forbid European heritage comics should use one of a hoard of words for them. You can find most of these tag names listed in a song from the old hippy musical Hair. If you can call people of different heritage groups by distinctive tag names, expect the favor to be returned (balance).

This just proves that no Earther race is better than another when it comes to treating other races as they want to be treated. A mature person would think that they would treat others how they like to be treated (balance). But, no, the black Americans of today, as a group, are as racist (if not more) as any other group. Yes, there are exceptions, but there always are exceptions since this is a simultaneous-designated planet. The exceptions are those who will be Graduating.

Mocking body ID is great if you can take it as well as give it. The body ID is only a vehicle for the spirit which occupies all Earther bodies, as well stated in previous M5 segments.

The sequentials have stirred things up so much in these latter stages of EndGame that now everyone is claiming to be an oppressed group. Sequentialized people thoroughly enjoy putting of the victimized ‘gasp and clutch of the pearls’ by saying, “I’m offended” when they hear something that doesn’t conform to sequential rules.

I hate hearing “I’m offended”. Spiritually grow up! You are expected to be offended on a simultaneous world. Being offended pushes one to think and examine. Is there a valid point to what that person said? Have you examined it for justification? Are they just being difficult and looking to stir the pot? Well, pot stirring is valid. It gets things moving and prevents stagnation. Sequentials love stagnation. Everything’s the same…everyone is of one mind. Jeez!

One M5 friend of mine (who is gay) made a comment to his roommate about someone being a ‘fag’. His roommate said, “I’m offended”. Now the roommate claims to be heterosexual, but when I visited last spring, the closet doors in their apartment rattled every time he walked by…but that’s my opinion.

When I was told the “I’m offended” story, I said ‘put him on the phone and I’ll launch a volley sure to offend him’. No, he didn’t put him on the phone since my friend knows how I can get. I love offending those who are sequentialized. It’s like saying something to one of the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers (original film) and they scream and point at you as you try to leave.

I’ve said before that the reason that European heritage people are being so attacked is because breaking them is significant to sequentialization (among other reasons).

Sequentialization is succeeding faster than the aliens dared hope. European heritaged people who wish they were of another race are a huge part of the problem. Earth has become a madhouse and Graduation will be our welcome escape.

Be careful of the “I’m offended” groups and individuals. Sequentials and sequentialized can’t be reasoned with. So you need skill in playing with them properly. I’ve found some in my area who are not happy with sequentialization and will express themselves to me. They find it increasingly difficult to do so to others.

At one local meeting I went to, they asked the group if anyone had a joke to tell. One guy told this: A plane was losing altitude over water and the pilot told the passengers that the plane had to be lightened and people had to jump out of the plane. They would do so by the alphabet starting with A. African-Americans. One such person and his partner were sitting there, but he said, “we’re not African-Americans”. Next B for blacks. “We’re not blacks either” he said to his partner. Following that came C for colored. “We’re not even colored” said the man to his partner. The partner said, “If we’re not African-American, black or colored, what are we?” The man replied, “today we’re niggers”.

I was the only person who laughed at that. It was funny. Spare me from the body-ID’d sequentials and those with no sense of humor!

However, for a supposedly-sensitive bunch, notice how anti-semitic people have become. The semitic race is the Arabic group and sephardic jews. European jews are not semitic. They are Ashkenazi from southeastern Europe who mass converted with their rule hundreds of years ago to judaism. They falsely swiped the term and made it apply to themselves. That’s like a person in China converting to Church of England and saying he’s English now. I refuse to give into the lie that anti-semitic means anti-jewish. Anti-jewish means anti-jewish and that’s a religion thing. Semitic is an ethnic thing.

At Israel’s demand, rabid anti-semitism (true meaning) is a feature on the news and entertainment. Fools are many who beLIEve these lies. If one looks, one will discover that it is the jewish financial and entertainment structures that are behind the sequentialization of Earth. Those, for whom M5 is written, will be able to connect the dots of that picture.

Anyway, where’s all the “I’m offended” over being anti-semitic for the Arabs? Selective “I’m offended”…absolutely.

Finally, it’s mid-December and it’s that time of the year again. The reason for the season: Santa. It never was Jesus (oh, come let us abhor him), this fictitious character of christian myth. Just had to get those 2 cents in.

We are two years away from 2012’s big event. We’ll have to see just how big it will be. No, I don’t’ have any special insight. I have to experience whatever is coming too and Game rules would prohibit even me knowing.

So, enjoy the season for whatever it means to you. I have a fiber optic tree up because I like the flashing, swirling lights. I also like the word ‘christmas’ as, for me, it has sparkling, comforting memories. Yule just doesn’t do it for me. 

Trust in your Higher Self. 2010 is days away. Triple Ho’s!