UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied

Post Publication Segment - 20 March 2008

Copyright © 2007 Leading Edge International Research Group

The title of the film: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied is a must see video for Matrix V readers. Here is the link on Google:


It is also featured on Leading Edge Journal Online for those who subscribe to Val’s very recommended site.

This video contains a history of alien activity (been there, done that) but it also includes a lot of new material and witnesses (mainly government/military/corporate) who are worth listening to.

It was good to see buildings on our Moon and on Mars. The reason they give for Earther public trips to the Moon is the aliens evicted Earthers (hear about that in this video). Learn that NASA regularly air-brushes these objects from photos. Free energy has been in existence for everyone on Earth for decades. Over ½ of the satellites around Earth are pointed outward for alien activities. Lots of very interesting facts, however an awful music background on the video.

Why all the secrecy? M5 readers should be able to answer this easily: sequentials in control along with traitors who prefer power over loyalty to Earth. 

Nevertheless, I do encourage you to view the whole video (1hr 34 mins). Perhaps the Alien Wild Card IS about to be played. I’d really like to see that. Trust in YOUR Higher Self!