Transgender & The Spirit

21 April 2013

Copyright © 2013 Leading Edge International Research Group

How many times have you heard the complaint, "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body"? Well, those for whom M5 is written should know that the spirit is neither male nor female, hence those who say that victimhood complaint obviously cannot be a woman trapped in a man's body nor a man trapped in a woman's body. The spirit is both genders in one.

Transgender surgery is cosmetic. It does not make a person either gender although it (along with hormone ingestion or shots) may give the appearance of the opposite gender to which that person is born. It does not change the DNA command structure for the birth gender. The appearance of being the opposite of one's birth gender is an illusion. Those who gain this illusion are extremely body ID'd and demand that everyone else cater to the illusion. If you do not, they will clutch the pearls to the extreme, have a case of 'the vapors' and rage on full victimhood mode.

To make this transgender illusion even more confusing to everyone else, they insist on being grouped with gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLB). Consider this: if they believe their illusion, and in that illusion, pursue the opposite gender, they should be considered heterosexuals. They can be members of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays) but should not be considered part of GLB. Logic...You cannot have it both ways!

A major part of the confusion is that non-M5 people overwhelmingly beLIEve that the spirit is either male OR female. Their 'god' is male, for example. Gods and goddesses populate the astral and are worshipped by various religions. These have already been discussed in M5.

So why do their Higher Selves choose this concept for these particular incarnations? Who can say why a Higher Self chooses anything?! Astrologically looking in those who experience the transgendered illusion can prove revealing as to why they think as they do.

Drag queens/kings and cross-dressers may enjoy the illusion for fun or for an entertainment employment, but once off the stage, they usually return to their standard lives. That's a whole other story that does not include 'I'm a man (or woman) in the wrong body'.

This is the Age of Victimhood, the last gasp of EndGame. The reign of the 'oh, poor me' is epidemic. The hallmark of their complaint: "I'm offended". This is also the spiritually immature, Lightsiders (who cater to them) and generally Game addicted.

Now these gender identity confused people should be able to live whatever lives they choose, but live it fully and not with one door in the het world and one in the gay. You will not find any Finals who are transgendered in case you are wondering.

The blocked year of 13 continues, almost 1/3 through and no reason why it is blocked - yet. Time will tell and please trust in YOUR Higher Self!

Comment: The incident in Boston, Massachusetts resulted in the residents being placed in "lockdown". Lockdown is a prison term where everyone must remain in their cell for some reason. It cannot apply to civilians in their homes. That the locals didn't raise a ruckus over it was a good way to test the general public toward martial law. As for the rest of that incident, you can find tons of it online (Rense, Icke, etc)

Note: Both Val and I have been getting inquiries if I am ok since I have not written a new segment since February. When I have a new segment to write, I will (like this one). Yes, they will be irregular due to the nature of where we are in EndGame. So please don't send me 'are you alright' emails. While I do appreciate the concern, there is no need to check up on me.