Interview With Supersoldiers - Michael Prince and Max SpearsUpdate

1 June 2013

Copyright © 2013 Leading Edge International Research Group

A M5 reader in Costa Rica sent me this link to an interview by Project Camelot with Michael Prince and Max Spears. It runs for about 1.5 hrs and is well worth the time to watch.

They discuss the reptilian faction war between the 'fourth reich' and the zionists. Fascinating revelations about various alien groups they have interaction with as well. Besides the reptilians, they mention the Aldebaran aliens (operators of the black triangle ships) and Annunaki. The large, white cigarette-shaped ships are reptilian (I've seen this type twice).

Also the planned elimination of the black race (M5 readers should not become body ID'd over this) and the intended race war in America to eliminate them here are discussed in detail.

Both men reveal that they have been to Mars. One time was a teleportation that was instant. They other time was a 15 second countdown. They say Mars looks a lot like Arizona. Pay attention to the interview.

I notice that these two men really breathe quickly with lots of tongue flicking, especially by Michael Prince, which are very reptilian characteristics.

Please watch and draw your own conclusions. It's an outstanding interview that one rarely gets to see. Sequentials reveal information that is otherwise blocked to simultaneous incarnations, which makes it fair play in the Game, as you know.

Doom and unpleasantness, but that's part of EndGame. As always, trust in your Higher Self.

Here's the link and watch it while you can: