Aliens and Soul Snatching

1 October 2013

Copyright © 2013 Leading Edge International Research Group

A book that I have almost finished reading is A.D. After Disclosure by Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel - when the government finally reveals the truth about alien contact. This book thoroughly covers the title's subject and is very well worth reading. The one thing that I do not care for is that they call the aliens "the Others". For some reason (and they do give their reasoning), they chose to use this odd word when 'aliens' not only fits but is easily connected to the ETs. Anyway, smooth reading of the book hits a speed bump when they toss in 'the Others'.

In Chapter 4: Threat Analysis: Who goes there and what do they want?, on pages 140-141 is They Want Our Souls. Quoting Whitley Strieber who said his abductors said that they recycle souls, the authors ask, "Can a soul be taken? Can it be "rewritten? Can it be of value to others possessing the ability to "take it"?

First of all, the aliens DO lie. They beLIEve that their very advanced technology makes them all around superior to simultaneous path Earthers. This presumption has been covered in earlier M5 segments. However let me address the questions asked in A.D.

"Can a soul be taken?" From a shamanic standpoint, soul pieces can and are taken. Robert Monroe told one of the groups that I was in how Grey aliens took him aboard a craft with the intent of doing things to his soul. He said that he patted one of them on the cheek and indicated 'no' and left. If they took the whole soul, the body would be comatose.

I have done a number of soul repairs where aliens have taken soul pieces and have them contained in various locations. I have always successfully recovered these pieces and restored them to the proper person. Dealing with aliens to retrieve soul pieces was not something that other shamans I knew wanted to do. They were afraid of the aliens. My comment was if you have fear of them, you should not do shamanic work since you never know where recovery journeys will take you.

Yes soul pieces are taken. Remember the core of sequential vs. simultaneous.

The aliens are centered on finding a way to gain simultaneous level experiences while remaining sequential. It is a folly to do so, but that is how they are at that level. They figure by analyzing the stolen soul pieces, they will find what they are looking for. There is NO shortcut. Sequentials must take the leap of faith to the simultaneous path or be destined to remain sequential into another Galaxy Game.

When encountering aliens who have stolen soul pieces, the aliens (in my experiences) have not tried to interfere but just watch, as they did with Monroe when he asserted himself.

Now as to why they take some specific soul piece is something that I can only speculate on since they won't say. My first consideration is that they take a soul piece of someone that they knew as a sequential who has now become simultaneous. It makes sense. This goes along with my already mentioned second consideration - how can one reach simultaneous while remaining sequential.

Pieces are taken from Higher Self incarnations with permission for their path goals. Experience is why we are here, and it definitely is an experience. If a Higher Self did not desire this experience, it could not happen.

*"Can it be rewritten?" Definitely not. Erase an incarnation's identity and have it sequentially impressed. That is alien fantasy. Keep in mind that each alien is also the incarnation of a sequential path Higher Self. They do not have the ability and it is something that the Galaxy Game creators would not allow. So, once again, the aliens are lying.

Why they lie is to attempt to cause fear, since when the incarnation is in the fear mode, it is far easier to manipulate. That's why the government and its propaganda outlets thrive on generating fear too.

*"Can it be of value to others possessing the ability to "take it"? Definitely. This is why soul pieces are taken all the time and by all kinds of people. The aliens' value comes in research primarily. Dark shamans and other Darksiders steal soul pieces to harness their energy for shady purposes. This does have an effect on the incarnation, generally weakness but more subtle unless one is sensitive. Dark shamans tend to attach a siphoning device to drain their victim's energy to suit nefarious purposes.

Lightsiders steal soul pieces "for your benefit" (NOT!). Others steal them for vengeance and a host of reasons. One can feel they have to be around someone who has their piece even if they can't otherwise abide them.

As with all other matters, do not submit to the fear mode and, above all, trust in your Higher Self. 

As of October 1, we have entered the final quarter of the blocked year. We have 3 months left to discover why this year was blocked from viewers of all sort.

For those wanting to read more on the soul recovery situation, the best book (as I had recommended in a previous segment) and is available from Amazon is:  Soul Recovery and Extraction by Ai Gvhdi Waya