Sequentialization Update

28 October 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


All I need to get me going (again) is to turn on the television or read a newspaper. This planet is racing to sequentialization and it is being wildly embraced by the majority of the population. Yes, the minions love sequentialization. It’s comfortable, predictable and, if they feel “offended” by something, they just have to whine and claim victimhood.

Victimhood has increased in scope and popularity by leaps and bounds. The Number One victimhood country is Israel. They get away with all manner of horrid crimes by rolling out another World War II Europe show. By turning to the Hitler (History) Channel, you can almost always find the farce that the only issue of that war worth mentioning is the jews of Europe.

Victimhood has also proven very popular with other groups and is routinely abused by them. Victimhood acceptance is one of the keys to sequentialization because it demands laws to restrict/restrain freedom of speech. It is also responsibility for the sequential fabrication that everyone is equal.

Racism is one of the most popular sequentialized attack words. They would have you beLIEve that only white people are racist. That is just bullshit. There are only 4 recognized races on Earth: white, red, yellow and black. Every Earther must belong to one of them or a combination of them. Ethnicity is not a ‘race’, but rather a culture.

Attacking the white race is vital for the sequentialization of Earth as only the white race is capable, as a group, of derailing or, at least, delaying sequentialization. Time has shown that non-whites are just as racist as they claim white people are. The sequentials fear the white race on Earth as a whole. And, all this ‘race’ talk is pure body ID. If you are identifying issues as body ID matters, your spirit is not in control. We are having incarnations in all races throughout our simultaneous path, as has been stated many times in M5.

Those who are ultimately behind the propaganda know that everyone is anything but equal. There is the ruling class and everyone else for them. That’s how it works on sequential worlds. The Orion Empire is ruled by royals as is the Sirian Empire. Even on Earth you had and have societies where there is a “first among equals”, “first lady” and other similar designations to indicate that these people are above those beneath them. For these people, the ruling class, ‘equality’ is a sham meant to control the populace and entice them to give away more of their power. What is this hang-up that they have with the designation ‘first’ other that to demonstrate that the person so-designated is above the rest.

Minionized is my new word for those who embrace blanket equality and victimhood due to minionization which is the acceptance of sequentialization on Earth. Those, for whom M5 is written, can recognize what is going on. Another feature of minionization is to isolate the pre-Graduates, especially who are aware of what is going on.

These new anti-free speech laws are also intended to silence those who know from attempting to awaken those who sleep.

Keep in mind that all those catering to sequentialization are not only aliens, their Earther collaborates and minions, but also Low, Mid and some lower Advanced level incarnations. I belong to a small book club here and enjoy tossing ideas that are intended to make them think. The reactions I get from some indicate that they are simultaneous incarnations that have conformed to sequential programming, hence minionized. I get the ‘clutch the pearls’ reactions, gasping and ‘aren’t you afraid to say that’ or ‘that’s not politically correct’. Exactly. While I take some amusement at their reactions to what I say, it’s really pitiful that they are willing to sacrifice simultaneous concepts for sequential approval.

Keep in mind that each incarnation’s path is unique to that Higher Self and they must be allowed to follow it. It is also the pre-Graduate’s path to observe this behavior and note circumstances behind and around it. If you remain immune to the virus of sequentialization, bogus ‘political correctness’ (I LOATHE that phrase – it means ‘sequentialization’) and victimhood, it is because you have broken those experiential loops.

Pre-Graduates know and see more to reinforce their decision that it is time to leave the Game behind and move forward. The toys you played with in your childhood are no longer enticing as an adult.

Trust in YOUR Higher Self.