Sequential Demand - Cartoon Indignation - Part III

Post Publication Segment -  10 February 2006

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

BBC news reported that Malaysia's prime minister said:  The West should treat Islam the way it wants Islam to treat the West and vice versa. They should accept one another as equals," he said. He described their publication as "insensitive and irresponsible". The prime minister had also declared possession of the cartoons illegal.

Those for whom Matrix V is written should be aware enough to see how this current clash of sequential agendas is escalating. On one hand is the Western concept of trashing religions except for bogus ‘holy cow’ of judaism. That there is any religion with laws protecting it from any criticism (note: Europe’s laws forbidding holocaust examinations beyond what the Zionist agenda controllers allow) indicates who is in control of the sequential agenda-of-the-moment. For the West, it is the Zionist agenda in place which encourages and instigates clashes with their ethnic relatives of the islamic faction. There are Zionist agents that stir Middle Eastern populations to serve agenda goals. Keep in mind the problem-reaction-solution theory. What do Zionists currently want: Iran and Syria. You should know the rest.

Using biblical mythology, this clash goes way back to the sons of Abraham who were stirred into conflict by their mothers (no surprise there), it is in actuality an ongoing struggle between two centers of alien control being played out by their pawns on Earth. It is part of the Game for the Earth simultaneous path experience. In past M5 segments I wrote how both the Sirian and Orion Empires thrive on clashes between internal factions. Remember that they are both of Dark polarity and they have an interest in feeding the lower astrals who are allied with them in manipulation of Game participants. It is necessary to feed the lower astrals and conflicts/negative emotions do exactly that.

Consider now that EndGame Earth is being forced into a sequential path with all those path features. The clash between these two (of many on Earth) agendas has escalated dramatically with the approach of the Planetary Graduation. The cartoon controversy is just the latest successful stimulation.

The sequential need for “equality” is very different than the simultaneous path and non-Game concepts of the same. Sequential ‘equality’ is conformity and a planetary path. Simultaneous path ‘equality’ is a variety of non-compatible cultures existing at the same time on the same planet. Higher Self ‘equality’ is respect of vastly different concepts and ideas without any need to force conformity or changes in points of view.

here is an interesting source of alien/sequential information on Earth: India Daily news. They repeatedly release information that is sequential in origin. This information has been restricted from simultaneous path Higher Selves as are our sequential lives. Yet, if the sequentials choose to bring this out in the open, we are free to touch it, although without our non-blocked perspectives.

One article is particularly interesting: Types of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. This is the link to the article:

Note that sequential Type1 civilizations are “planetary which form one nation – one unified civilization”. The Type 0 civilizations are “unsophisticated” and “fight savagely among themselves”.  It also says that “The advanced extraterrestrial civilizations are seldom interested in type zero civilizations since there are so many to observe”.

You should note that it is technology and the uniformity of a planet under one government that makes it worthy of the group of aliens who provided this information. Note as well that this article holds “colonization” as an “advanced” activity. Bring that to the Earth level. Who engaged in colonization in early EndGame? Who claimed exclusive rights to the word and definition “civilization”? Alien control of Earthers – as above, so below. And for being an uninteresting world, we have more than our share of aliens running around and their technology to boot. When you read this, remember the source is sequential path alien. It has its own agenda attached.

Using the Malaysian prime minister’s comments, the demand for their definition of equality means to surrender one’s path choices to conform to another. That is not equality. The only true equality comes when each path is allowed to pursue its own interests. You don’t have to like it or agree with it, but as long as they are not going to force you to act in a similar manner, it must be permitted under the banner of ‘equality’. Just because one’s perspective is allowed, it may be of no value at all to you. That is fine. A sign of spiritual maturity is not demanding that your sensitivities become everyone else’s. It is not “insensitive and irresponsible” to have cartoons about any religion or group, nor to express them. It is immature to demand your way as the only way. However these are Very Advanced concepts and we are on a planet where EndGame is composed of minions and those not Very Advanced in spiritual matters. We are on a planet that sequentials with their advanced technology are reorganizing to fit a sequential path.

The cartoons are neither “insensitive” nor “irresponsible”. They are a freedom of expression that, if not respected as an individual activity, indicates the “offended” person is spiritually immature and a danger to the simultaneous path project. It is the ‘offended’ that are to be ashamed because they demand insulation from any idea that clashes with their perspective. They are pawns of the sequential path and should be thus recognized. It is not that one should not ever be offended, but that one demands that another conform to their perspectives at the expense of their own.

This whole cartoon controversy affair is being organized and stimulated from other sources. Why do you think so many Danish flags were available to be burned when this happened? A Danish flag is not something easy to come by outside of Denmark, much less in Lebanon. There are a number of threads involved and they form a complex tapestry that the sequentials and lower astral revel in. This is a drama that has pulled in the minions and those of a spiritual progression below Very Advanced.

True tolerance and equality are not the goals to be gained by these clashes. Instead it is the sacrificing of these higher concepts for a common, sequential, enforceable conformity. Remember the Game loves to warp non-Game ideals like ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’ to further deceptive goals. Gender ‘equality’ is geared to Orionization and matriarchy. American/British ‘freedom/democracy’ equates with empire building and the surrender of non-compatible cultures to the empire. American ‘hate crimes legislation/tolerance’ is the enforcement of laws engineered to keep the mind docile and prevent thought and from being ‘offended’ by mental challenges. Muslim ‘equality’ means surrender of activities that do not agree with their narrow views. The same applies to the American Taliban whose ideas of  ‘freedom of religion’ require that their narrow perspectives be the rule of the land. The lists go on. And, if you didn’t realize, Bush lied about the Los Angeles threat. It is part of the agenda that ties into Zionist/sequential goals involving Iran and Syria. The Bush government has been engaging in chronic lying and anything it says should be taken with extreme disbelief.

Pay attention to these EndGame activities for their ultimate goal: the transformation of Earth to a sequentialized planet, a Type 1 in the Indian Daily scale, which is what M5 has always indicated the goal for Earth has been: an overt member of the Orion Empire. Keep your observational skills sharp. It’s getting worse by the day on Earth with March/April of this year having the potential to be eventful.