EndGame Realization & Graduation

12 February 2010

Copyright © 2010 Leading Edge International Research Group


Once again, the sequentials have managed to convert another simultaneous path planet into a sequential one. There is relatively little of Earth’s simultaneous nature remaining. Not only have Earthers willingly jumped into sequential path bullshit but it was according to Game rules that it would be so. There was no other option.

The apparent sequential victor is the Light polarity with sequential nonsense of “political correctness” started in the core of sequentialism, the United States. I say ‘apparent’ because it is actually the Dark polarity in charge using Light tactics. Remember, we are in a very Dark sector of this Galaxy Game. It is impossible for a Light outpost to exist on Earth that encompasses the whole planet.

The Dark is extremely clever and manipulative. Take for example the outright lie that the United States is a ‘free country’. That has never been true, yet people want to beLIEve it. If you repeat a lie often enough, people think it’s true. Some other US connected lies: bringing ‘freedom’ to the places it invades (bringing sequentialism instead), Bill of Rights (if they were ‘rights’, they couldn’t be tampered with, except they’re all but gone now) and being the ‘leader of the free world’ (just the opposite: leader of the sequentialized world).

Sequentials, through the very harmful and anti-simultaneous path ‘political correctness’, have turned the overwhelming majority of people into watchdogs of conformity with Lightsider sheens. Victimhood reigns supreme and to be ‘offended’ is to sound the alarm to these watchdogs to howl the perceived non-conformist into submission through apology. The media (controlled by self-proclaimed master race of Ashkenazi jews who have an alien group as their deity) rapidly controls how speech and thought are to be expressed.

Note the ever popular use of the term “(place alphabet letter here) word”. This is used because someone or some group somewhere will shriek ‘offended’ if this word is used. Give me a break! Talk about immature incarnations who can’t be ‘offended’ but would rather remain in the nursery of experience. The latest one of these I heard on TV is the “r word” standing for ‘retarded’. Retarded is perfectly fine to use as is any other (pick a letter) word. Someone said someone else is retarded and right away the media has a frenzy like blood in the water for a school of sharks.

I think the first alphabet word was the (it’s always ‘the’) ‘n word’ (nigger), followed rapidly by others such as the ‘c word’ (cunt) and a host of others because everyone is ‘offended’. These are also control words used to control groups of people whom the sequentials feel are potentially threatening to their control. Notice while those groups who are offended by the word ‘nigger’ are also the same ones who liberally use anti-white slurs. Oh, no, if you can use anti-white, whites can use the hoard of descriptive words for these people. Good point is to listen to the soundtrack from the late 60’s musical Hair, particularly track 5 “Colored Spade”. Find one of those words that they won’t have a hissy fit over. Yet these same people are quick to use any anti-white word they can come up with, all of which are lame, but nevertheless they intend them to be just as pointed as any of those listed on track 5.

This goes far deeper than just words. The alien genetic scientist created the 4 known races (white, yellow, red and black) for specific purposes. They are definitely not created equal (sequential twisted concept of control). For example, as stated in an earlier segment, the black race was created to be a manual labor race, so they would excel in that as well as most athletics. Each race has its special areas of concentration and only by mixing races can one attempt to do what another does. That so much attention is today placed on the black race and being black is where the sequential want Earther humans to be focused: lower intellect and higher physical ability. Of course if you are body ID’d, you’ll be clutching your pearls over this, yet M5 is not written for the body ID’d. Those for whom M5 is written know that they are also incarnated in all 4 known races on Earth at this time and each has its specific experiences needed.

The ‘political correct’ sequentials swoon and faint while calling ‘racist’ to anyone who doesn’t tow the sequential ‘all are created equal’ line. Yet anyone who points ‘racist’ is actually a racist for doing so, and more, they are totally body ID’d (I am my body).

Racist is another VERY popular sequential code word. One group that uses that is the Ashkenazi jews (who are white). They would like all to beLIEve that the religion of judaism is not a religion but a race. Not true. Remember there are 4 races and the term ‘mulatto’ means mixed race but it is still mixed from the basic 4.

In actuality, a racist is one who recognizes the differences in the races and doesn’t hesitate to discuss them, positive and negative. That’s a simultaneous position, like it or not. The correct term would be ‘ethnic’ not ‘racial’ differences in most cases. Noting ethnic differences is also simultaneous. The simultaneous path is not out to change or alter perceptions, but will allow them to exist as they are as long as they leave you alone.

Now to lump everyone of the white race into one bucket of ethnicity is stupid. Europeans are very different from one another, just as Asians and American Indians (North and South) are. African tribes are very diverse. From a simultaneous view, that’s wonderful. All these vastly different experiences on one planet.

Then along comes sequentialization that started with colonialism when the Western Europeans began enforcing their ways of life on peoples who should have been left to their own. This colonialism had sequential origins and alien backing, after all, sequentializing Earth had to begin somewhere.

Anyway, I don’t want to make this a lengthy history. It is all available for research in the Library on Focus 27.

Apart from the verbal/media sequential control, there are the ruthless military invasions by the Darkside United States and Britain (heart of sequentialism – London) and sequentially directed Israel. They use hard core propaganda (all lies) and shout ‘freedom’ while they bomb and destroy people who refuse to be sequentialized. America has become a police state. That’s easy to see by the Internet.

Another sequentialized area in a growing cancer to the world is Orionization: female dominance and male humiliation. We constantly here the word misogynist being used by females to males. BUT those who use this word are misandrists (man haters), although I prefer my term ‘misterogynist’.  Feminists are extreme misandrists.

It is popular in the 'jew-controlled media' (sequentials) to run laugh tracks when females hit, beat, throw items, etc at men. This is Orionization. Yet where is the balance by showing men doing likewise to females today? I remember one Beverly Hillbillies episode (mid-60’s) where banker Milburn Drisedale put his bitchy wife over his lap and gave her a much needed spanking to a laugh track.

With Orionization, females cunt-rol.  This is due to sequentialized Earth is expected to fit the Orion Empire style. As I was told years ago, when they show up, they will not deal with males. This is why busy body sequential Darksider America goes around the world pointing fingers at traditions where females are ‘not like ours’.

I can see why all my Dominants are in simultaneous female incarnations to ensure that M5 was not to be tampered with my misandristic females. Het men are easily cunt-rolled in these latter days of EndGame.

These are just a couple significant areas of sequentialization.

So, we have a planet of minions and sequentialized along with a minority of simultaneous incarnations (pre-Graduates). There is nothing that can be done to change this situation.

It was designed to happen.

It has happened on ALL simultaneously designated planets in this Galaxy Game. Earth would be no exception nor will all future simultaneously designated planets escape this outcome.

There is a reason for this. First of all, it is necessary that pre-Graduates (designated incarnations) understand and accept (although not agree with) this. It is part of what is needed to Graduate. The Game is flawed by design. You can’t win while being IN the Game. You win by turning your back ON the Game, being so disgusted with the victimhood and manipulations (in Earth’s case), that you don’t want to be here.

You have spiritually Advanced so much so that the vibrations of this sequential mess are uncomfortable and can leave you feeling as if you are on a tiny island in a sea of sharks waiting for you to get into the water. When you come to this point, you need to do what you feel you must to keep your sanity in the insane asylum. If you have anyone with you of pre-Graduate mindset, you’re lucky. You have company. (In my case the candle is still in the window.)

We are rapidly nearing the end. The Planetary Spirit is stirring with shim’s own Graduation preparations. We will leave those addicted to the Game behind and those who wish to continue on the simultaneous path will do so on the next designated world in a different part of this Galaxy.

Trust in YOUR Higher Self.