Police State Planet and the Orion Connection

Post Publication Segment - 14 June 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

Only a fool or the naïve will not admit that the United States has become a police state. The majority of the American public has eagerly given up their limited freedoms for bogus security. The British and Australians have moved in likewise manner. The most amazing part of this trio is that they would have the rest of the world beLIEve that they are core members of the “free world”. The biggest lie is that America is the ‘leader of the free world’. If the ‘free world’ is in reality a police state, just how ‘free’ do you think you are?

There are many news and web-based sites that expose the treason of these countries’ elected leaders. However Matrix V readers need to also move beyond the obvious and recognize just what is behind prison planet Earth during EndGame.

The Orion Empire is well discussed in the M5 series. It has also been stated several times that Earth is designated to become an open member of the Orion Empire. This requires a lot of conditioning of the planetary population. Several conditioning areas have been the topics of past segments. These are centered on making everyone ‘equal’ something, a sequential thought pattern.

I mentioned how it was easier to enter and leave China than it is to enter/leave the United States or for Americans to fly within their own country. When I traveled to Eastern Europe years ago, I thought how awful it was seeing armed soldiers on the streets of cities. In American cities, where the friendly cop of America past has been replaced by intentionally fear-inducing, monolithic, unfriendly goons, I now see here what I saw in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. Rense and David Icke’s sites are just two where these agents of control are exposed.

The key for what is going on is not with any faked war on ‘terror’. That is for the public to beLIEve. The minion incarnations especially support that government conspiracy theory. They retain a herd mentality. Those who are directing the rapidly emerging police state planet do so with the Orion Empire in mind.

All planets in the Orion Empire are police states. The same goes for the Orion ally, the Sirians. Police states ensure obedience and ‘rule of law’.

In a televised documentary about gay jews, the radical jews condemned their gay counterparts by always quoting ‘the law’ and that there is ‘no freedom outside of the law’. I watched the 1956 epic film, The Ten Commandments, and saw how often Moses was telling people they are ‘free’ with the caveat that they were only ‘free’ within the structures of the law. They were never free, as Dathan found out when he and his followers wanted to break from Moses – they were killed by ‘god’ through a pissy Moses. Yes, the Moses story is a myth (historical fiction), but the lessons are meant to teach the religious follower to obey and know only death will be showered on those who do not obey. Fear your ‘god’ (the Orion or Sirian deity).

The ‘god’ of Israel is a Sirian archetype and is similar to the islamic ‘god’. Those, for whom M5 is written, will have no difficulty in seeing the Sirian hands here. The police state mentality has always been encased in religion: obey or die.

The hands of various alien philosophies are behind many religions. Yet now we are well into EndGame and it is time to bring it all together on a planetary scale for the final outcome. The various alien factions are manipulating their pawns on Earth to become either the dominant or a dominant voice on Orionized Earth.

The pawns of Orion: female over male America with Ninhursag-controlled Britain and Sirian allied Israel, are maneuvering against the pawns of certain other Sirian factions: male over female islamic states and their Orion allies of North Korea, China, etc. This is a big power game that these royal houses have been playing for millennia in their sectors of the Game. It is not necessary to understand it, although our Higher Selves do. It is necessary to know that it is being done and there are consequences, none of them ‘good’, for Earth depending on who ‘wins’. 

If this were to proceed to the end, one major faction will win and Earth would become that type of police state in the Orion Empire: true Orion based or true Sirian based. Those in the know are pushing for the true Orion based with female dominance since the favor of Mintaka is greatly preferred over that of the Sirian king.

No matter which major faction wins, the police state is an unwavering demand. This is necessary to mold the population in a sequential manner. It restricts personal freedoms and demands uniform thought by stripping away individuality and making everyone ‘equal’. Of course this ‘equality’ does not apply to those in power. This has been demonstrated by traitor von Bush tacking notes to bills he signs saying that these laws do not apply to him. Just as the Orion and Sirian rulers are ‘above the law’, so has it become of Earth’s ‘leader of the <non-existent> free world’.

As this police planet rapidly expands to cover the entire planet – ‘rogue’ (non-subservient) nations beware – there will eventually be no ‘safe spots’ to emigrate to. The net will get tighter and tighter. Trust in YOUR Higher Self!

For those of us simultaneous path pre-Graduates, know that our Planetary Spirit has the ace card and will unravel all these plans for Orionized Earth. It was the Planetary Spirits of previous simultaneous path worlds that also held the final trump card during their times.

The police state is an abomination that challenges the simultaneous path Higher Selves. It is so contrary to what freedom is. It thinks it can confine Balance and impose polarity under the gun.

I am aware of nothing that can halt this Orionization except the Planetary Spirit and our own Graduations. Those behind the police state say that the only ‘freedom’ left is to obey and live as they demand. With this in mind, Graduation cannot come soon enough.