Attempting to 'Eliminate' Pluto

Post Publication Segment - 24 August 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

Pluto no longer a planet, say astronomers Thursday, August 24, 2006

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) -- "Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight."

Why such a fuss out of nowhere about Pluto’s status as a planet?  Pluto was discovered in 1930 and has been a valid member of this solar system’s planets since then. So why are “leading astronomers” so anxious to remove it? Forget the size/orbit comments.

Pluto is very significant in astrological analysis. What Pluto rules and represents will give the M5 reader the primary reasons for its removal and wish that it will now be ignored. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and it is the perfect ruler for that sign, not Mars (ruler of Aries) which was Scorpio’s co-ruler. Astrologically, Pluto is the planet of transformation, regeneration and rebirth.  Pluto is the planet indicating generations. In the house you find Pluto, a 180 degree change in life is certain. Pluto is deep research/investigations, intense and controlling. On a wider scale (political/organizational), Pluto indicates sinister control, behind the scenes manipulation and destruction. Some, of the many other Pluto keywords, are contamination, reproductive organs, obsessions and coercion.

From an M5 point of view, Pluto would rule sequentials on Earth and the sequentialization of Earth. It indicates where they are concentrating their energies at the time. Currently Pluto is in Sagittarius and they are moving on multiple fronts at an expansive pace with enthusiasm. They feel they are nearing the completion of several major goals.

M5 readers should know that Pluto (transformation) is the planet of our Graduation from the Game. It will be Plutonian energies that are connected with the Graduation Key to assist with Game players in this Galaxy Game who will transition from the Earth simultaneous path stage to Graduation-level experiences. Removing this as an ‘official’ planet does not make it ‘go away’!

By this group of astronomers ‘officially’ removing Pluto, they are following a relatively minor agenda item of eliminating an indicator of the sequential path agenda on Earth. It will be greeted as minor by everyone but astrologers who know the power that Pluto has. There may well be other not-given reasons for Pluto’s demotion that are also connected to other sequential agendas, but the one I want M5 readers to note is the astrological impact.

Since Earther ‘science’ mocks astrology already, do they think that removing Pluto will cause us not to use it? Not likely. We know it works and how it works. As for we pre-Graduates, energies are moving as they should and are beyond the interference or control of any Game incarnation. The energies of Pluto are enhancing our spiral out of the Game. Trust in your Higher Self.