Sequential Stealth – Political Correctness

Post Publication Segment - 27 March 2007

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

We hear it constantly in this country (as well as several others): ‘political correctness’. You should know that it is a stealth term for sequentialization of speech and thought. It is a deliberately designed attack on simultaneous path freedom of speech and thought by imposing guilt trips (and worse). It has, as its goal, the unrealistic/false concept of ‘everyone is equal’.  They are not. It is also where the Zionists hide their deeds and evils.

The bogus ‘no child left behind act’ is an American educational law that is part of the political correctness concept. In reality, since we are simultaneous path incarnates during EndGame, not only should some children be ‘left behind’, it does all children a disservice by forcing the sequential mode and interfering with their individual paths. For example, we have minion incarnations which can never be anywhere near as competent as simultaneous path incarnations. The four prime Earther races were also designed to not be equal as part of simultaneous experience needs. If you want equality, you should have stayed on the sequential path with their planetary homogenous inhabitants.

Previous M5 segments have touched on various ‘you can’t say this or that’ intimidations to the simultaneous public. Peer pressure (due to political correct successes) and alien manipulation with quislings of both polarities have coerced many into making sequential ‘political correctness’ the standard that all others must obey. This is the way it is on sequential worlds. This is alien to Earth!

Earthers are being forced into a sequential conformity. Sequential toadies will use the terms “n word”, “f word”, “c word”….for whatever word that will make someone uncomfortable or (gasp) offended. I never….NEVER use the term “(fill in the initial) word”. I use the direct word whatever it may be. An Awakened Final would never conform to sequentialization and I continue in my brazenly independent manners. I also love curling the hair of those who have surrendered to sequential political correctness. When I hear they are “uncomfortable” or “offended” upon hearing one of the initial words, I am sure to use it around them several times. I get reactions from shock to holier-than-thou. Those delicate flowers should have remained sequential where they remain unchallenged and comfortable.

What has made this whole process worse is now they are not content with their ‘offended’ status, but want you to be punished by legal goons for your opinion. This moves the problem from individual insecurity to official punishment for being simultaneously minded. In many countries you can be imprisoned for questioning the events of Germany in World War II and the overblown number of deaths, as an example.

Sequentials are easily shocked because conformity is expected and required, BUT Earth is a simultaneous path planet. They can be shocked on their sequential path planets if it is to occur, but I will not surrender my part of this planet to them. Neither will those for whom M5 is written. If one is so body ID’d that they are like frail china to words, they deserve to be exposed to them. The way to remove the edge to these alphabetized words is to use them. Once they are made ‘forbidden’, they gain power. Like anything else restricted, it entices those who it is forbidden to.

For me, I enjoy talking to the few Advanced enough to appreciate direct, unrestricted speech. The spirit ID’d are not ‘clutching the pearls’ over body ID words. The Very Advanced and Finals can say, from the simultaneous perspective, we are living all these incarnations and have moved beyond body ID enough to appreciate the use of words as they are. The other incarnations can just go and fuck themselves (the “f word”).

Shocking others also may induce spiritual development: zapping the body for the spirit’s benefit. Sequential conformity retards spiritual development. Those, who know me personally, know how I can get when I’m on a roll. Verbally searing the politically correct brings me pleasure.

Consider what is presented in this segment. Observe those around you and see how the sequential patterns are being imprinted and accepted. They are moving to scanning Earthers’ minds to check to see where you do not conform. This is even more of a crime than current, overt political correctness. Graduation will be our only escape and their ultimate defeat on Earth.