Mid-October 2006 Observations

Post Publication Segment - 17 Oct 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

North Korean nukes, Hawaiian earthquakes, Iraqi civil war – disaster, fear, death and more: body ID panic. Keep the easily propagandized flooded with chaos. They are far easier to control. 

Yes, EndGame gets heavier and more depressing with each day. Just because I am not constantly commenting on the shenanigans of EndGame, doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention to them. However I do not react as they desire Earthers to react. 

North Korea: The ruler of North Korea is an Aquarian. There is no way he is going to respond to threats by anyone. North Korea has developed nuclear weapons because the United States is on an empire-building binge. The United States is operating in the Middle East on Israel’s behalf (one of the real reasons for the Iraq war). If Iraq had nukes, the U.S. would have stayed away although it would bark like a dog at the fence. North Korea is no prize package, to be sure. Yet what North Korea does within its borders is North Korea’s business and no one else’s as per the Law of Allowance. 

The sequentials do not tolerate independence and self-determination. The sequentialization of Earth requires a one voice planetary government, BUT competing sequential sponsors are attempting to make their faction the planetary center. Most factions are Orion and/or Sirian. They are vicious and intolerant of those who will not conform. Isn’t it interesting that anyone with nuclear weapons doesn’t want others to have them? America creates a frenzy over North Korea testing their nukes. Why don’t they complain about Israel’s nukes? Yeah, right!

North Korea’s Aquarian ruler did the only thing possible to keep the dogs at a distance. Of course American propaganda has North Korea bombing the United States. Fools who beLIEve that can form a line on the right. Unfortunately, too many actually do beLIEve that bullshit. Heil Bush!

The CBS show, Jericho, is built on the United States being nuked. If you don’t get this on your television, you can watch the episodes on www.cbs.com/jericho . I hear some at my work asking with Jericho in mind, “Did the North Koreans bomb and invade or the Arabs?” I tell them to stop beLIEving in that horseshit. Yeah, the North Korean army or the Arab air force did it. If anything, it’s Israel who will launch their nukes on the world with a scorched Earth policy of “if I can’t have it, no one will”. Since this is a CBS show, I expect it will be some group or nation who will play into American propaganda will be found responsible. 

Hawaiian Earthquakes: Shake, rattle and roll. I’m surprised they didn’t blame this on North Korea’s nuclear testing. M5 readers know that a lot of action is happening on the Planetary Spirit level. I would not want to be living on an island during EndGame. No where to run. No where to hide. Yet, if it’s your path destiny, that is where you will be. 

Pre-Graduate Higher Selves will be moving their EndGame incarnations to suit their path. I will be relocating in August of 07. I know I have to be resettled by September of next year. Those, for whom M5 is written, will be in the proper place for their EndGame path. A certain peace will surround you that you are in your correct location. The rest doesn’t matter. Trust in your Higher Self.

As for the minions, sequentials and the simultaneous pathers who will continue on in the Game, panic will rule as they feed the lower astrals and dance to the propaganda and fear tunes. They are so body-oriented that they will give any and all personal freedoms away with the intent of extending physical existence. When in danger, when in doubt – run in circles, scream and shout. Those in control love it because these people are SO easy to manipulate. 

Iraq Civil War: Yes, Iraq and the area were MUCH better off when Saddam was in charge. It was stable. The US/Britain/Australia and Israel are guilty of massive war crimes. So many thousands dead for Israel’s Dark ambitions. War criminals preaching ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what they will eat for dinner. That is a perfect illustration from Defensive Racism. Democracy is sequentialism – the rule of the majority at the expense of the minority. 

Despite all that has happened with Iraq, American and British propaganda (much to Israel’s joy) continues to lie to the public and much of the public still beLIEves them. On the positive side, more and more are uncomfortable with the lies. Nevertheless, so much damage is done that cannot be restored. The war criminals should be placed on trial and dealt with as in Nuremburg after World War II. This is EndGame Earth. It will get worse, not better. 

You cannot pick up a newspaper or read other news sources without finding a new nail on the club that you are being beaten with. How you react to ‘news’ will indicate the degree of body ID you still have. Body ID believes the propaganda outright and will parrot it to others as truth. Spirit ID knows better. Meanwhile, I have better things to do than get wrapped up in the drama-de jour. I note what is going on, but my life is not to be manipulated by the sequentials. I prefer playing World of Warcraft on the computer to watching much of the high drama on TV.

Speaking of the sequentials, they are getting bolder and bolder. A 14 yr old child is on a governing board giving input in one state. Yes, brazen! Meanwhile Lightsiders are dazzled by ‘their’ ‘blue ray/indigo children’. 
Take good observations, pre-Graduates. It will get worse. Trust in YOUR Higher Self.