"Master Races" and The Game

Post Publication Segment - 4 January 2008

Copyright © 2008 Leading Edge International Research Group

The concept of ‘master race’ is an ancient body ID’d idea. It is very popular with some sequential groups, primarily the reptilians and the wolfish types. Reptilian is the oldest and most technologically advanced race in this galaxy. Therefore they consider themselves the ‘master race’. The Sirian wolfish group considers themselves a ‘master race’ because of their ability to easily conquer others, except the Orion Empire (see earlier segments).

On Earth, history has had many ‘master races’: the Atlantians, the Egyptians, the Romans and so on. The last century had the Germans tooting the ‘master race’ trumpet. Certain sequentials were behind that. Who do you think gave them advanced technology?

There is one group that considers itself the Earther ‘master race’ and it has been in existence for a long time. These are the ‘chosen people of god’. One can’t get any more ‘master racist’ than to say ‘god’ has chosen your people over all others on the planet. That idea is more brazen than any former ‘master race’ that was based on technological/military strength. After all, who can dispute what ‘god’ has declared? Except that ‘god’ is also a sequential who is manipulating certain Earthers. Also, who was there when ‘god’ made that decision? Why, the ‘chosen leader (fuehrer in German)’. I’m always amazed how a simple word ‘leader’ is never translated into English when referring to Adolph. When the German-speaking people refer to the American (or whatever nation’s) leader, do they call him ‘fuehrer’ or has that since been reserved for one person only? After all, Bush is America’s fuehrer in word and deed.

The difference with the ‘chosen people’ master race is that they are financial, not military/technological in strength. When so discovered in the past, they were rousted out by the locals for trying to take control as well as their ‘master race/chosen people’ banner grates on the non-chosen who they have always looked down on.

The video I recommended (Hidden History) covers why the Germans became pissed at the ‘chosen people’ and why the clash of the ‘master races’ in Germany began. Can’t have two master races vying for control, after all, especially when one betrayed their country in WWI and later.

So, the ‘chosen people’ and their sequential benefactors, known as Zionists as a group, so trashed/punished the German ‘master race’ leaving only one remaining and in growing financial control over the Earth.

Now the ‘chosen people/master race of ‘god’ have a financial stranglehold on of most of the planet. They are centered in London. It’s a real complex state which the last segment’s video recommendation did well in explaining. What ever happened to usury laws? The ‘chosen people’ made sure they disappeared. They are masters of the credit system which is based in the Orion Empire. It ensures financial slavery.

Whenever attention is placed on this ‘master race’, they become highly defensive (even hysterical) and scream ‘anti-semitic’ which is pure bullshit. However they find that it works on almost everyone. If it didn’t work, they wouldn’t use it.

This ‘master race’ will have no others that may dethrone them. This is similar to the Orion Empire not tolerating any other group that would seek to undo their position. The Sirians bow to the throne of Mintaka and have become an enforcement arm of the queen. The current Germans, having been beaten in WWII, are a client state, bowing to Israel and enforcing laws to keep its citizens unaware of the bogus nature of their latest ‘master race’, the ‘chosen people’.

Since WWII, people, in general, have a negative reaction to the term ‘master race’. Why then do they not see ‘chosen people’ as the same thing? There is a fair amount of expose materials that the ‘master race’ wants to remove (book burning time again). Europe has fallen under that Dark cover and it is centered in Germany (again). Yet, the Germans are the agents of their ‘chosen people’ masters. The Europeans and Canadians have also succumbed to this control. As of yet, the Americans have not, but the attempts to bring it here are constant.

It is imperative that the ‘chosen people’ master race succeed for their ‘god’ in creating a sequentialized Earth. Without their manipulations and behind-the-scene treachery, Earth would not be so sequentialized. Remember, we are in a Dark sector of this galaxy. Various sequential groups are messing around here. All want Earth to be sequentialized under their banner, but only the Orion Empire and ‘god’s chosen people’ have bubbled to the top of the slime pit.

Being aware is important. The Game is complex and this simultaneous planet is ravaged by sequentials and their ‘master race’. The last recommended video should make a number of things clearer to you despite its errors.

Graduation is the only escape. Pre-Graduate Higher Selves know this. The Planetary Spirit knows this (all those millions of birds disappearing). It’s going to get worse, much worse. The ‘chosen people’/Zionists have so decreed in behalf of their Dark ‘god’ who thrives on death and war. Trust in your Higher Self.