Graduation Key Update

Post Publication Segment - 20 March 2007

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

At lunchtime today, I knew that I needed to go for a walk. I walked about ½ mile to get lunch. On the way back, my attention was suddenly pulled beyond Earth and I saw our planet from a distance, approximately the size of an American ½ dollar coin.

I was not thinking at all about anything relating to Matrix V, so I was surprised to be moved from concentrating on where I was walking to a view of Earth from a distance. I also received a rote of information concerning what I saw.

As I look at Earth, the Graduation Key is seen extending at its angle, from my right hand side, northern hemisphere. The planet is totally enveloped in a cloud-like energy that swirls clockwise around the base of the Key. The cloudy energy is a white color, like common high clouds, but brilliant. It isn’t solid like a ball, but rather streams of energy following major streams of gold that form the Graduation Key. The energy does not move up the Key, but rather moves around the base of it and downward. All is in motion, not fast, but steady. The energy is passing into the Earth through the Key that is embedded through Earth.

My impression is that this is the Planetary Spirit interacting with the Graduation Key and nature is reacting to it: bees and birds are dying, strange climatic events globally and more are all to be noted, by those for whom M5 is written, as signs for Planetary Graduation. 

Today is the Vernal Equinox. The Sun moves from 29 degrees Pisces to 0 degrees Aries. Significant astrological and magical energies are in play during Equinox and Solstice times.

First our (M5 readers) Higher Self spirit energies formed the Graduation Key. Next the Key started in motion with a very slow, clockwise spin. The spin has increased and now this energy surrounding the planet has been revealed.

I wish I had the talent to draw what was shown to me as it is a most unusual image and fascinating to see in motion. I cannot add anything to what I am sharing with you here – at this time. However it IS something that you should be aware of.  

Amendment: (3/21/07)        Smokin’ 

Today I can tell you that the cloudy essence, reported in yesterday’s segment, is a byproduct of the gold wires/Graduation Key energy. Since these objects are of gold energy, they are immune from polarity attacks. Gold energy dissipates both Dark and Light energies as it is the color of Balance. This byproduct being generated is something that the Planetary Spirit can use, hence it moves down the Key and into the Earth. 

This is the next step in the Graduation process. I communicated with the Planetary Spirit who is using this energy for shim’s own Graduation activities. In the few times I’ve visited this being, I’ve never seen shim so occupied/busy as now. Keep watching the reliable Internet news and read between the lines with the controlled media. An Event is in the works. Time will tell what it will be. I have nothing more to add to this at this time.