The Karmic Experiential Loop

8 October 2009

Copyright © 2009 Leading Edge International Research Group


Wiccan practitioners will caution others by saying ‘whatever you do will come back to you two times over (or 3x, depending on the witch)’. New Age Lightsiders warn that there is a ‘karmic debt’ – the more ‘good’ you do, the more ‘good’ returns/the more ‘bad’ you do, the more ‘bad’ comes to you. Several Asian religions have the ‘karmic wheel’ as main features to control what one does. Hindus beLIEve that karmic debt is basically unending. They all confuse/misuse karma and balance (yin-yang balance) trying to achieve ‘karmic balance’ which is impossible.

Robert Monroe told the groups that I attended at the Monroe Institute that karma exists only if you believe it does.

This is true.

The belief in karma is just another experiential loop in the Game that needs to be broken.

Take a look at how the Dark side operates (and don’t go by silly Hollywood movies of Light almost always winning over Dark). Earth is being sequentialized by Dark beings. Females are flocking to the Darkside Orionization superiority. Males are converting in droves to Darkside Orionization of female superiority and serving them. Whole nations (primarily western European and USA) are being intentionally broken down by minions and riff-raff in order to accomplish sequentialization. Where’s the karma?

People are dying by the hundreds each day to accomplish Dark, sequentialized goals for Earth. Yet ‘karma’ doesn’t apply to them. Why? Karma does not exist for them, but they are overjoyed that it exists for the bulk of Lightsiders as this will intimidate the Lightsiders from becoming a serious threat to their plans. Since there is no such thing as karma, the 2 or 3 times rebounds realistically do not apply.

From the Balance point of view, a sequentialization of a planet by the Dark OR the Light is equally distasteful.

We have gone through a seemingly countless number of both Dark and Light polarity planets when we were on the sequential paths. We looked for refuge on this current simultaneously-designated planet only to have the sequentials locate us and move to change our incarnational playground into just another sequential planet.

Needless to say, this is discussed throughout the M5 series.

Breaking the karmic experiential loop is essential to move to Balance. In Balance you know when to use Dark techniques or Light maneuvers. When we use either of these, they are neither pure Dark nor Light, but rather Dark or Light based with Balance adjustments.

The gold light is such a Balance device.

The best way to break the karmic loop, if this applies to you, is by observation.

Watch how Dark moves without a second thought. See the worthlessness of ‘turning the other cheek’ as it only encourages more aggression. Notice how Dark rules governments, industry and the media and fares usually quite well for it. They know there is no karma.

Your Higher Self is your only ‘deity’, if you will. No other Higher Self can impose shim’s will on yours. We are in the Game for experiences, both Dark and Light. That includes many very dismal experiences and many very rewarding ones. Karma has nothing to do with it, although we do have incarnations that firmly cling to the concept of karma in some form or other.

Our goal is to recognize our experiential loops for what they are – Game functions meant to be overcome. If karma was real, it would be the Lightsiders in control and the Dark in misery instead of the other way around. 

Once you realize bogus karma for what it is, your experiential loop starts to break. Once you are comfortable without having karma rule your incarnation, you have successfully broken the loop.

Trust in your Higher Self. Nothing else matters.