Hidden History: A Video to See

Post Publication Segment - 25 December 2007

Copyright © 2007 Leading Edge International Research Group

Have you been wondering why the Zionists are making such a fuss over examination of what really happened in World War II? Logically, what is reported to happen should be very easy to confirm by independent means…unless there is something major to hide.

There is a DVD that I recommend you view. It can be purchased, but, better yet, can be watched for free on-line. I just watched the on-line version. It starts with a lecture of 10 minutes or so describing what the video is about. Then the viewer gets to see the evidence of what was, as opposed to what we are supposed to beLIEve. Make up your own mind.

The DVD is titled: Judea Declares War on Germany.

Without further comment, I urge you to follow this link to the site:  


And this is the link to the free on-line video itself:

Watch "Judea Declares War on Germany" online for free.