Graduation Key Update 2012

2 February 2012

Copyright © 2012 Leading Edge International Research Group


Last night Val called to tell me about: "Powerful Energy Release Emanating From The Earth’s Core Recorded"

The first lines of the article say it all:

The International Geodynamic Monitoring System, a part of GNFE (London, UK), has registered on November 15, 2011 a powerful energy release emanating from the Earth’s core. The intense three-dimensional gravitational anomaly was almost simultaneously recorded by all ATROPATENA geophysical stations separated by vast distances from each other in the following cities: Istanbul (Turkey), Kiev (Ukraine), Baku (Azerbaijan), Islamabad (Pakistan) and Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

This occurs shortly after the introduction of the Star Cluster to EndGame in late October with my Canadian trip. So I had to check on a couple things out of body.

The Graduation Key and Star Cluster have become visually VERY active. The Star Cluster is pulsing with energy (electrical-appearing to me) with bolts of energy moving from it to the Key. This energy continues around the Key and pulses to Earth's Sun (Higher Self of the Earth Planetary Spirit). It really is something to see.

The Star Cluster pulses with an energy that is similar to Morse code as I watched it. My understanding is that the Star Cluster is encoding the Graduation Key with instructions from the Galaxy Game creator(s). The transmitting code is not a static throbbing of energy but rather a variation in pulse timing. It is fascinating to see.

This energy has its source with this Galaxy Game's creator(s) as the Star Cluster is their Game creation to facilitate Graduation.

I also went to check on the Planetary Spirit who is now shimmering with a rainbow of brilliant energy colors. Yet every time I asked shim the questions, I fell asleep. This means, at this time, I am not permitted to consciously know the answers I seek. Game rules and all.

Last night, I watched the first episode of Logo channel's new season of Ru Paul's Drag Race and I found it interesting that he said whoever wins this season has to spend the money quickly since the Mayan calendar says the world will be ending this year. This was the theme of the first major challenge since Ru said only zombie drag queens will survive this year.

As for animal deaths continuing, it's the dolphins now. Cape Cod, Massachusetts is hosting a dolphin die-off - 81 so far as of today.

Then there are those who say nothing will happen. To this I remind the M5 reader that the same was said the day before Atlantis sank. The body ID'd are wrapped in fear. The spirit ID'd can't wait for Graduation. However it is getting more and more air time and those who choose to hide from events are becoming increasingly agitated.  Different experiences for different levels of incarnations.

And, of all things, I was contacted by a sequential incarnation asking me for a loophole for the 'poor sequentials' who are here. Can you get over that! The 'poor sequentials, who wrongly chose to come to Earth and mess with the only simultaneously designated world at the time, deserve what they are going to receive - an ass kicking back to where they belong.

As I have said many times, there is no loophole. Sequential pathers must make the leap of faith to simultaneous in order to Graduate. We did. I have no sympathy for these cheaters at all and will be glad to leave them far behind.

Bottom line, as always: Trust in YOUR Higher Self. I'm waiting to see what will be next in 2012.