Gullibility and the Light Polarity: Fish Eye

Post Publication Segment - 16 March 2006

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

Just as the Dark side is correctly tagged as shrewd and cunning, the Light polarity is gullible and naïve in most matters. The ‘love & light’ mantra has clouded their minds and lightened their deductive/reasoning abilities. The Dark is counting on this, as always.

Lightsiders love their New Age gimmicks. One of the latest that I have been made aware of is the Vesica Pisces, which translates from Latin to mean ‘Vessel of the Fish’. It is also referred to as the ‘fish eye’. The fish eye is 2 circles that overlap. The ‘eye’ is the center of the overlap. Lightsiders are rushing to make their own, handy fish eye to meditate in.

Lightside fish-eye followers are trying to pass this off as the cure for just about any condition, a tunnel directly to what we know as the Higher Self areas (it’s not!), a mirror with the ability to view “past” lives, puts you in touch with “special” astral teachers who are just waiting to guide you to what you should be doing with your life and much more. This sounds like the New Age Holy Grail! It is the genie to impose its will to make you one in mind and spirit. Caveat emptor!

The more I read about the fish eye, the fishier it reveals itself to be. It smacks of a sequential contraption to induce conformity…. the sequential path Lightside version.

Mid-Advanced levels, especially in the Light polarity, have always been desperate to find the one ‘love & light’ path to push everyone into a saccharine-sweet, challenge-less, incarnationally equal existence. This is an ideal on sequential Light polarity planets, and, yes, they do exist in other sectors of this Galaxy Game. Earther Lightsiders seek what Bob Monroe called “Home” in his trilogy. This is regressive and will prove to be just another diversion that a Higher Self may have to deal with on the road to personal Graduation.

Reading the goals that fish-eye fanatics have: 'happy people', 'all equal' and 'working toward a common goal'; 'no one better than anyone else' in any aspect, etc. just reeks of the sequential attitude. Those for whom M5 is written should have no problem in recognizing this trap.

Fish-eye followers like to use either white or white-gold light to identify themselves astrally. Anything but true gold, as an induced field around you, will identify you as one of the polarities. Gold is avoided by the Dark and Light for reasons stated in the M5 trilogy. As soon as one puts white in the gold, it’s like making swiss cheese. The Dark will see these flaws and use them to their advantage.

Fish-eye followers seem to beLIEve that Earth has been in a Dark polarity period and 'now is preparing to be in the Light polarity'. These people cannot comprehend that Balance is the blending of both polarities. Instead, they think it is 'limited to yin-yang balance'. That is so Game oriented. Proper reading of M5 will give you the keys to move beyond that limited perspective.

Nevertheless, as Earth Graduation approaches, others will continue their journeys on the next simultaneous planet and other worlds. That is fine for them. The magic bullet device, the fish eye in this case, has Lightsiders all aflutter. This is their experience at their stage of progression. Those for whom M5 is written have our sights set on Graduation and the next phase of our progression which is away from the polarities and an existence where Balance is the norm.


Note from Val:  You will find what the author says above in most areas on the internet. A fine example of the perspective the author is speaking about above can be seen here ; this perspective today represents the 'hope' of the lightside orientation in the midst of a planetary change process they do not comprehend. Note also that the Vesica Pisces is also a significant part of the process here, which is part of the reason M4 was withdrawn from publication way back in 2000.