Finance, Orion Empire and Jehovah Group

Post Publication Segment - 13 Dec 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

The ‘chosen people’, chosen by the alien Jehovah group, always insist on controlling a planet’s financial system. "Give me control over a nations currency and I care not who makes its laws." is a quote from Meyer Rothschild of London’s infamous crime family.. For those who may desire to know more about this reptilian group, I suggest researching it on the internet. 

The finance/debt system we have on Earth, centered in London and extending out like a parasitical vine, is not native to Earth. It originates with the Orion Empire and is present on all worlds in the Empire. It is another form of slavery that profits those who serve and administer it. 

For example, the United States had usury laws which have now vanished while usury is the tone of the day with interest rates and non-existent funds manipulated by ever-greedy banking groups that are Zionist and controlled by the ‘chosen people’. 

Andrew Jackson was the only president who totally abolished the national debt, condemned the international bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to "rout out" of American life. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these reptiles operated on the American scene "there would a revolution before morning." 

That was then, in the 19th century. Since Jackson, the bankers learned to manipulate events, finance both sides of wars and ensure that high rates of debt would follow as one of the offspring of the whole mess. Presidents and Congress, Prime Ministers and Parliaments have been bought. Corruption is rampant. The ‘chosen people’ are in control of the planet’s finances, a necessary major part of the Orion Empire’s overt control over Earth. 

What has been and is happening on Earth today has happened on many worlds within the boundaries of the Orion Empire. ‘Chosen people’ are introduced in the planetary systems with an eye to rule by Mintaka. It takes time, but they are always ultimately successful. 

On Earth, the ‘chosen people’ control the banking industry as well as precious gems/jewelry, stocks, etc. The upper crust of this group is reptilian cold and look to the non-chosen peoples as meant-to-be-controlled. 
The ‘chosen people’ have been driven out of many places in Earth history. They always talk about it, but they never mention why people all over have found it necessary to get them out. Nevertheless, this wasn’t helping the Orion agenda. They needed the alien technology, especially in communications electronics, to solidify their grasp on difficult, simultaneous Earth: mass media for control, electronic banking (no real funds needed by bankers) and a way to control what people say and believe. 

Enter the Hitler (History) channel and the ability to manipulate recent history then strong arm several western countries into making it illegal to challenge or investigate claims made about World War II. If there is nothing duplicitous or shady, then why would it be illegal to suggest things are not what they are said to be? Why are the deaths of ‘chosen people’ more important than the deaths of everyone else? Those, for whom M5 is written, can easily connect the dots. 

The ‘chosen people’ like all other body ID’d groups focus on the physical and genetics. Genetics of the ‘chosen people’ are centered on the mother (Orion mode). Yet, in our simultaneous path experiences, all of us have had incarnations in all Earther options that each individual Higher Self thought necessary for shim’s development. This includes incarnations in the race of ‘chosen people’ but never at the controlling levels.

Those are reserved (on Earth) for certain sequential selves.

Remember that it is the upper, controlling faction of the ‘chosen people’ where the power remains, not in those who were sacrificed for the Orion agenda during WW II. The upper, controlling factor is always sequential (on a simultaneous planet) and has strong ties to Mintaka.

The Iranian Holocaust Conference was held this week and what a ruckus was raised by the ‘chosen people’ and Zionist co-conspirators. It was seen as a direct threat to their control and propaganda. It made people think and thinking is dangerous to those who must maintain their Dark deceptions.

The ‘chosen people’ are behind the bogus ‘hate crimes’ laws. They must have them to stifle curiosity into the past, especially where it touches on WW II and the state of Israel. The banking system and state of Israel are parasitical on Earthers. Israel cannot exist if not for the embarrassingly high funds from America. Israel foments trouble all over the world in their desire to serve their master. 

One would have to do as Andrew Jackson did in the 18th century: eliminate national debt with the stroke of a pen and place the country back on gold/silver standards. It could be done, but the bankers would have those responsible killed for even thinking that IF they were in a position to actually do it. 

Those who will be Graduating will be free of these (and other) parasites of the Game soon enough. When the Planetary Spirit Graduates, the parasites will be left without a base here, but they will search the galaxy for the new simultaneous world. They will not go away, but we will. Do not be intimidated by them or by anyone. Trust in your Higher Self.