Game Ejection and Nexus of Time Enhancements

Post Publication Segment - 18 July 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

The Matrix V materials present a wealth of information about the Game and what is involved during the EndGame cycle. Those for whom M5 is written have been able to process this knowledge and now see the Game for what it is. Decisions have and are being made by these incarnations, based on what M5 reveals. These are the pre-Graduates. It doesn’t matter if the EndGame incarnation is Very Advanced, Dominant or Final, these Higher Selves have chosen to Graduate during the Earth simultaneous path. What I will discuss here is what happens to those who are pre-Graduates when this knowledge (M5 style) enters the Game.

The Game prepares to eject those who have otherwise restricted information and put it to practical, personal usage with the intent of Graduating from the Game. It is significant that you realize it is a combination of what the previous sentence conveys. Reading the M5 materials alone is not sufficient.

For example: Certain aliens have copies of the M5 trilogy. They have it because they seek the non-existent shortcuts and loopholes to avoid the simultaneous path. Yet, in order to Graduate the Game, a Higher Self must take the leap of faith to the simultaneous path. This has been repeated several times in the M5 materials. No exceptions! There is no Graduation without the simultaneous path experience, especially since the hundreds of keys, given in the M5 series, are useless to anyone not yet on the simultaneous path. These keys are vital in unlocking one’s spiritual self encased in the body ID. Without the keys given during EndGame, sufficient momentum to Graduate would not be possible.

At this point in your progress, provided you have properly read the M5 trilogy, your Higher Self has all the keys necessary to allow shim’s Final to conclude the Game experience by correct operation of the Nexus of Time. Remember that sequential path Higher Selves do not have a Final or Dominant Incarnations. These are unique to the simultaneous path. The mechanics of these special incarnations are given to the Higher Self upon taking the leap of faith. It is a function of the Game, like new abilities, that is earned by successfully by getting this far in the Game. This was all designed by the Game’s creator(s) who are, of course, Graduates of a Galaxy Game that they had participated in.

Without the Dominant and Final Incarnations, a sequential path Higher Self has only the most basic form of Nexus, which is not referred to as a Nexus of Time. This sequential path, basic Nexus is greatly enhanced by moving to the simultaneous path to become the full Nexus of Time. With multiple incarnations in various ‘time periods’, the Nexus must be fully operational. With a single incarnation at a time, there is no need of the ‘time’ or multiple functions that are components of the simultaneous path.

Although all simultaneous path Higher Selves have the Nexus of Time, only a Higher Self, who decides that the current simultaneous path planet will be their Graduation point, will activate the Dominant and Final Incarnational portions of their Nexus of Time.

There are those who will continue on the next designated planet. When a simultaneous path Higher Self decides that the next planet will be ‘the one’ to Graduate from, the Dominant/Final features will become activated when the Higher Self engages on the planet.

Note that in the beginning title I use the phrase ‘ejection’ from the Game. This should not be confused with ‘rejection’. You will be a Graduate, not a drop out! At this point, the Game is working in harmony with the pre-Graduating Higher Self. You have knowledge that is not permitted to be fully/properly comprehended by those not to be designated as pre-Graduates of the Earth phase. The knowledge, in the proper hands, sets in motion a timed sequence of events and decisions that will bring you to Graduation. Simultaneous path Higher Selves who will not be Graduating will avoid the M5 project, as their Higher Selves know it is not their time for it.

It is not necessary that you have all the information, all the steps and all the answers at this time. This is not permitted while IN the Game, even for a Final. Trust in YOUR Higher Self is imperative. The chaos in the world today is part of the collapse. It sends the body ID’d into panic. Those with spirit ID internally know what is to come.

This segment can give you a lot to think about. That is good. It probably generates as many new questions as there are answers. Trust in YOUR Higher Self.