On The Necessity of Disillusionment

28 June 2013

Copyright © 2013 Leading Edge International Research Group

An M5 reader sent me this article today and it is VERY good.


It addresses major day illusions. A couple of which fall into experiential loops such as there is 'good' in every person (Lightsider illusion), linear time and humans are at the top of the food chain (reptilians and Sirians will readily disagree).

Here's a clip from the article:

When a person is confronted with facts that contradict currently held belief systems, they have one of two choices.  The first choice is to go into denial mode by rejecting the facts as being untrue in order to prop up their chosen belief system and continue living as before.  The second choice is to accept the new data and try and reconstruct a new internal paradigm or map of reality that accommodates the new information, which may mean putting into question all other beliefs associated with the old model.

True, 'belief systems' should be 'beLIEf systems' as M5 readers know from my segments.

Another clip:

So, if believing in an illusion makes us feel safe, happy and comfortable, and any contradictory evidence causes us pain, disorientation and sadness, what possible motivation is there to consciously choose to go through the process of disillusionment? Answer:  The love and desire for Truth.

The Seven Big Illusions of Our Time are listed, but, for some reason, he chose to leave out religion ,which is definitely one of the Big Illusions.

His final comment:

Even though the process of ridding ourselves of illusions is guaranteed to be psychologically and even physically painful, and it may seem that everything we hold dear is to be taken away from us, this process is necessary.  There is no other way.  We have lived as slaves to psychopaths in power for too long.  We need to stand up and take back our freedom.  There are more of us than there are of them, and our ignorance is their power.  But we must first consciously choose to see reality as it is and the universe as a self aware system — of which we are a part — will ultimately reward us for our struggle and sacrifice.

And now that you know, what are you going to do about it?

Yes, indeed. Well Matrix 5 readers, those for whom the series is written, have a huge step up over the rest. You know FAR more than the rest of the simultaneous population (forget the sequentials altogether).

The Necessity of Disillusionment by Timothy C. Trepanier is a fantastic article to give to your potentially open-minded friends, those who would have a difficult time with the Very Advanced nature of M5.

*Meanwhile, the cloaked year will be half over on July 1. Still waiting to see why it is cloaked. However most action tends to happen in the latter half of a year, especially the Fall. So trust in your Higher Self and hang in there.

 *On another note, I plan on going to Orlando, FL in early October and may be open to meeting any M5 readers in that area.