Group Blame Game

Post Publication Segment - 16 November 2005

Copyright © 1988- Leading Edge International Research Group

Group association is a hold-over from our sequential path experiences. This was easy when whole planets, systems and empires were homogenized to a unit and, as a sequential pather, we had one incarnation at a time. Planet X was easy to identify because their population is fairly uniform in spiritual progression (or lack of it), technology and general conformity. 

This group consciousness continues on simultaneous path Earth with nations and cultures continuing to demand a pure, non-boat rocking society. The simultaneous path allows us to participate in as many of these cultures (on one planet) as our individual Higher Selves desire in order to gain the experiences we need for our progression. Beware the strangers’ ways warns one song. They may cause you to <gasp> think differently than the group.

EndGame and the introduction of alien technologies to Earth have created an atmosphere that seeks to reintroduce the sequential model on the entire Earth, thus eliminating the simultaneous benefits of radically different cultures at one time on one planet. The Americans, British and Israelis are currently attempting to do this on a global scale due to the Orion Empire’s influence being heaviest in these areas. 

Attacks are always directed to groups/people that either do not conform to the control-oriented group they are expected to be part of or to those who try to enforce their ways on another group (wars usually begin over this). America, for one, loves attacking groups who do not fit their mold. As per various other M5 segments, American ‘freedom’ is a smokescreen, not a reality. 

With the simultaneous path, spiritually Very Advanced incarnations, different positions, cultures/customs and lifestyles are treated with the Law of Allowance in mind. Another culture may be radically different that one you are viewing it from, but, as long as they do not attempt to force you into their paradigm, what they do is their business. The current Orion-sponsored crusade to put women in power (while under the guise of bogus equality) is one such sequentialization plan that meets valid resistance in cultures where this concept is alien. This is contrary to the Law of Allowance. When you hear words, such as - global community, know that this is sequentialization at work. 

Certain groups are targeted for either elimination or radical revision in order to make the planetary dominant group feel unthreatened and superior. ‘Be like us’ is the concept and one that America has been shouting at the world, especially since World War II. Throughout its history, America has always referred to those minorities (non-western European descent) who conform as ‘good’ and those who don’t as either ‘uppity’, ‘bad’ or some other negative term. This is easy to see today as the American government refers to foreigners as ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ when they don’t allow themselves to be dazzled by the reality concealing glitter America would have them be blinded by. The bogus ‘land of the free’ has concentration camps in Eastern Europe as well as the known one in Cuba. This was not intended to be made public, yet it was. This was due to the involvement of other simultaneous path Higher Selves on their path to expose sequentialization.

Groups will continue to be blamed for not conforming to a sequentialized unit. Pressure to conform is intense. What the intended ultimate Earther sequentialized model will look like is still being developed. As per the M5 series, this will undergo revisions as different sequentialized sponsors gain dominance on Earth. The final victor in that portion of the Game will set the pattern for Earth. 

Keep in mind that we are in the Orion Empire’s sphere of influence. It will not be a pleasant situation. Freedoms, as many of us are accustomed to, will no longer exist. This is not the Orion way. If the Wild Card of collapse is played, be prepared for a vicious and brutish wake-up. 

If it were not for impending Graduation, it would be a true burden to live on such a regressive planet after progressing so far. Again, our (as Higher Selves) true Ace is the Earth Planetary Spirit’s own Graduation which will deal the final blow to those who seek to create Earth in the sequential path mode. Trust in your Higher Self. It will be getting MUCH worse. Observe and read between the lines.