"Aliens 'Set to Arrive' In October 28, 2011"

11 July 2011

Copyright © 2011 Leading Edge International Research Group

Comet Elenin is headed towards Earth and due to arrive by October 28, 2011.

'Comet Elenin is an incoming spacecraft or intelligently controlled object according to a number of presenters at a recently completed conference hosted online by the popular whistleblower website - Project Camelot. Several presenters agreed that Elenin will approach its closest points near the Sun and Earth at a time of extraordinary planetary and societal changes coinciding with the end of the Mayan Calendar. A number of anonymous whistleblowers were cited in support of the view that Elenin was an artificially controlled object responsible for widespread planetary changes in the solar system.

The conference broke important ground in uncovering some of the mystery surrounding Comet Elenin, and revealing expert opinions and whistleblower testimonies describing its artificial design and the significance of its orbit. In a surprising omission, the conference organizers did not feature ground breaking scientific literature detailing the seismic impact of Elenin on Earth. Combining insights from the overlooked scientific data and the conference proceedings points to an extraordinary conclusion - Comet Elenin is generating powerful gravity disruption technologies indicative of one or more interstellar spacecraft traveling towards Earth.'

Here is the link to the full article:


There are even conflicting dates for the end of the Mayan calendar. Another opinion suggests that October 28, 2011 is the end date:

The Mayan Calendar according to the next conference presenter, Dr Carl Calleman, operates in 9 distinct levels or waves. The ninth wave, coinciding with the End of the Mayan Calendar, occurs on October 28, 2011. Calleman believes that the world will enter a New Age based on an expanding "unity consciousness." While the precise ending of the Mayan Calendar is disputed by others advocating a December 21, 2012 end date, Calleman has produced cogent arguments for the October 2011 end date. He noted that the date coincides with Elenin's crossing of Earth's orbit suggesting it may have far more significance than generally attributed to it.

Then there's this conclusion, no matter when the Mayan calendar ends:

The main conference organizer, Kerry Cassidy, revealed that a number of anonymous whistleblowers had revealed that Elenin is a piloted spacecraft, and in fact was being trailed by a fleet of spacecraft. Hoagland claims that he has been confidentially told similarly by other whistleblowers of the artificial nature of Elenin. Dr Joseph Farrell agreed and claimed that Elenin was either an artificial object (controlled spacecraft) or a natural object placed in an artificial orbit. In probably the most significant observation of the conference, Hoagland claimed that Elenin was likely an active torsion field generator.

How interesting. With all the alien invasion 'entertainment', such as various invasion films and television, such as Falling Skies (already conquered Earth series now on American TV), Super 8, Battle: Los Angeles and others, it seems like someone is trying to tell Earthers something.

So it will be interesting to see if late October is cataclysmically interesting or not, but I think it wise to let you know about the possibility. Time will tell. Read the entire article and, at least, be aware.

These just out….   

"Elenin is an Extinction Level Event" - http://usahitman.com/elenin-event/

Time will tell what will or won't happen, but you should be informed. I find the earthquake information most interesting.


I saw Battle: Los Angeles  and didn't like it. It has the Earther-happy ending that is pure fantasy. It also makes the US appear like a kindly nation, also pure fantasy and many countries America is bombing and killing will be only too glad to tell you.

Super 8 was very entertaining. Outstanding train wreck scenes and new type of alien.

Falling Skies is another Earther fantasy. The planet's conquered by yet the insurgents will (no doubt) find a way to defeat the aliens (referred to as 'lizards' in the show) and they're vastly superior technology.

Yet…something very strange is in the air at this latter part of EndGame.

I've talked with a number of people, in different areas of the country, who all talk about how inanimate objects seem to independently either fly out of hand or drop from where they are. I've noticed this myself. That brings to mind a 2012 documentary I saw in the 90's that stated the inanimate would do so as we approach the end of the Mayan calendar. I didn't believe it then, but now…

The American government continues to quietly buy up MRE food stocks and their underground building (as Jesse Ventura revealed in his conspiracy show) is moving at a feverish pace to be ready for a date that they know.

Aliens? Earth calamities? It doesn't seem like we have long to wait, one way or another.

My best advice to you all is trust your Higher Self.