Alien Wild Card?

28 June 2012

Copyright © 2012 Leading Edge International Research Group

Not the Sci-Fi channel (and don't EVEN tell me how they've mangled the channel name), the Cartoon channel or Comedy Central, but rather the National Geographic channel is heavily involved these days in alien invasion of Earth, aliens and their craft and related shows.

Right now I have When Aliens Attack on my TV on the National Geographic channel. It tells how aliens will totally control Earth after a quick invasion. This is true. However then they get into the totally unrealistic assumptions of how remnants of Earthers, using twigs and rocks will magically drive the aliens off Earth. >Major sighs< And this without knowing WHO is invading. Their assumptions are completely off.

One thing about the majority of Earthers is they beLIEve in the myths that 'good always wins' and Earth is unconquerable by anyone. Key the laugh tracks because both are pure fantasies.  These types of shows play to the 'we can't lose' mythology of Earther body ID types, especially Americans. Note that Rome beLIEved that they couldn't be defeated as well. America is the modern day Rome.

There have been rapidly increasing ripples of aliens openly coming to Earth. They've been here for a LONG time, but that doesn't count to those in control.

One of the commercials on NG TV is the WOW reply and that a response to this alien signal, received in 1977, will be sent back into space. Yes, let's tempt fate. Check it out:

I personally would enjoy the aliens publicly showing up and going hoarse with "I told you so". And if it does happen, above all else trust in YOUR Higher Self!