Book Commentary: 9-11 Evil

Post Publication Segment - 25 August 2006

Copyright © 2006 Leading Edge International Research Group

I have just finished reading 9-11 Evil by Victor Thorn. If you really want to know the names, etc of who was responsible for the 9/11 event, you should read this book. I was pleased at how deep Victor Thorn was able to get into the details and tie all the figures together.

Bottom line: Zionists and Israel did it and the “9-11 evil is Israel”.

The Zionists are in control of the US in government, major media and finances. For all that matters, the US is a vassal of Israel. Notice the disproportionate number of White House and top central government positions that are occupied by Zionists (both jewish and non-jewish)?  Notice any member of Congress that ever speaks out against Israel?

If you want to know who was behind 9/11, you owe it to yourself to read this book. Unfortunately, I have 2 caveats about the materials. In one early part, Thorn mentions abortion as ‘murder’, which M5 readers know it is not from early M5 segments. Near the end, he brings up mythical Jesus and his mythical death by the hands of jewish locals. Both are irrelevant to the Zionists/9-11 and should not have been placed in this book. Keep in mind that the author of 9-11 Evil is at the level he is and is still myth bound in matters of religion. He doesn’t harp on these caveats, but they are brief parts of the book.

Dismissing these 2 irrelevances and you have a hot book exposing information that is definitely not meant to be known by the general public. The cover claims “The most dangerous 9-11 book ever written!” After reading it, I can agree.

Nevertheless, baring a massive public outrage and uprising, only external, non-Zionist nations could bring change. It is that bad. Americans need to look in the mirror and see that their country is a major part of the problem in the world.

World Independent News Group is the center for Thorn’s news distribution. The book is affordable at $10 which included postage in the US. Those who are interested should visit:

This book reveals what was never meant to be exposed in such detail. Trust in your Higher Self.